Financial Strategy
A financial strategy is more than just an investment strategy. Sound planning principles involve the big picture: analyzing estate taxes, income taxes, education funds, and insurance coverage. Find out how a financial advisor can tailor a custom plan for your specific situation.
Retirement Planning
About half of Canadians hope to retire before age 60, but hope is not a plan. What is your retirement plan? Find out about the three key strategies for retirement planning success.
Portfolio Analysis
Do you know what your asset allocation is? If not, it’s time for a portfolio analysis. The amount of equities, fixed-income investments, and cash in your account will determine your long-term rate of return. Find out if your risk level is too high and if you’re on track to meet your goals.
Estate Planning
Estate planning is not just for the wealthy. Even for small estates, proper planning can save thousands of dollars. What is a “deemed disposition tax?” Find out how proper planning can help reduce the overall tax bill for your estate.